Dashboards - Keep Your Eyes on the Road Ahead

Are you using CU*BASE dashboards?

When you think about a dashboard, what vision do you have? Gauges, lights, controls - instant feedback, visual, actionable. A dashboard is a control panel located in plain sight where you can quickly detect the state of the vehicle under your control.

Custom-built racing cars often have a simple piece of sheet metal forming their dashboard. And here's something even more remarkable. Open wheeled racing cars (think Indy 500) rarely have space for a dashboard, so the instrument cluster is integrated into the center of the steering wheel. This proves the critical need for prominently displayed feedback, that only a dashboard can provide.

CU*BASE - is your open-wheeled racing car with information dashboards in plain sight, at the center of activity - where you need it, when you need it.

Where will you find emerging patterns of deliquency in your loan portfolio?

This dashboard is a window showing number of accounts and dollar amounts for yesterday, last week, and last month.

Where will you determine the amounts of unused credit available to your members?

Your members are pre-approved for lines of credit that they aren't using. Have you contacted them? When they need a loan, don't expect them come to you before talking with a banker down the street. Be their first choice for loan applications. Find out which members to contact by watching this dashboard.

Where can you instantly compare lending goals for the month to actual results, at any point?

From the first day of the month to the last, from any point in a quarter, on any one day of the week, and using any combination of statistics, this menu option reveals loan production in relation to goals. Here's one idea: Filter key factors by employee, loan category, branch, or delivery channel.

Successful sales require consistent follow-up. Where will you find the outstanding follow-ups?

While you can track the success rate of your employee's follow-up activities here, this dashboard is only one in a series of screens that help you keep your thumb on the pulse of your cross sales initiatives.

Which loans have been most profitable for your credit union?

Which have turned out to be the bane of your bottom line?

This CU*BASE dashboard displays the analytics you need to manage your loan portfolio day to day, week to week, month to month.

Take your credit union from survive to thrive starting now!

Herbert Spencer coined the phrase, "survival of the fittest" in his Principles of Biology of 1864. Nearly 150 years later, his words are still used to parallel competition for survival with economic health of organizations. It's not survival of the strongest, nor survival of the biggest. We know from the downward spiral of seemingly strong and vital organizations over the second half of 2008, the law of survival is played out through the best practices of economic fitness.

Dashboards are not enough. Do you think Bank of America, Countrywide, Wells Fargo, GM, and Chrysler had dashboards spread across the wall of their Board Rooms? Absolutely! Did they read them? Now there's a question. The indicators were there, but were they ignored? CU*BASE provides the dashboards where trends are visual and statistics are revealed. You see, at a glance where you've been and where you're headed. Focus, pay attention, downshift, adjust your course . . . see you at the finish line!
